

3 Reasons to Stay Invoved

3 Reasons to Stay Involved
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Dear Friend,
We wanted to take a minute to say thank you for being part of the YLAI Network. Just over a year ago, this community took shape and has now grown to more than 27,000 members across Latin America and the Caribbean.
And you know what? You inspire us more every day. YLAI Network members are doing amazing things, whether it’s empowering women, growing your organizations, or developing your individual skills. We wanted to recognize that you are the reason this community is special, whether you’ve been with us since the beginning or have joined recently.
Wondering how to make the most of being part of the YLAI Network? We’ll give you three ideas:
  1. Build your skills with new resources every week. We hear from so many of our members about how an article or online course has helped them with a problem, or how they’ve been inspired by stories from other members.
  2. Connect and learn from one another online and in person. Make sure your profile is updated so we can share events and opportunities near you, and stay tuned for more ways you can connect to other Network members online.
  3. Connect with your committed YLAI Network team! We are here for you and want to hear from you! We’d like to use this opportunity to welcome to our newest team member, Cameo, and show you just how excited the rest of us are to connect with you in the coming months.
Your YLAI Network team: Alex, Melanie, Antoinette, Cameo, and Melissa
One of the reasons we’re dedicated to making the YLAI Network an even greater community is the chance to celebrate your achievements. We look forward to staying in touch!
The YLAI Network team
P.S. Did you enjoy the piece on taking charge by networking? This article is now available en español.
Copyright © 2017 YLAI Network, All rights reserved.
 You joined Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative (YLAI) through, the YLAI Professional Fellows application, ShareAmerica or the Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES). 

Tell us more about yourself and your interests so we can let you know about events in your country!
Update your preferences now! 

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