
Professional Development Resources #YLAI2017

Professional Development Resources
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Dear Friend,

Did you know that we have content on the YLAI website to help you with your personal and professional development? Today, I'd like to highlight two resources that may be helpful to you in your career: How to Prepare for a Successful Interview, and the "Startup Smart" entrepreneurship handbook.
Prepare for a Successful Interview
Interviewing for a job can be stressful. You want to make a good impression, but there is a lot at stake and you can’t always anticipate what will happen. Will you be asked a question you don’t know how to answer? Will you appear nervous? Check out 5 Tips To Help You Prepare For A Successful Interview (en español) for the full article.
Startup Smart Handbook
Are you ready to take the next step in starting your own business? Being a successful entrepreneur takes knowledge, skills, business planning resources and mentoring relationships. It also takes time, planning, patience and flexibility. The "Startup Smart" handbook provides these tools and guidance for adventurous individuals who are "ready to ride the rocket ship” of being an entrepreneur.
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