

An extra boost of inspiration

An extra boost of inspiration
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Dear José Ricardo Felipe, 
Do you ever wonder if there is more information out there? To make sure you don't miss a thing, we have compiled a few great resources for you on starting your business, developing your business plan, and more!
A Few Great Resources: Startups
If you’re getting started from the ground up, these resources are for you.
A Few Great Resources: Business Plans & Operations
These resources are perfect for the emerging entrepreneur who could use a few tips on how to launch the next phase of their business.
A Few Great Resources: Social Entrepreneurship
Learn how to make a change in your community with these resources on social entrepreneurship.
A Few Great Resources: Women in Business
Check out these helpful resources for women entrepreneurs.
A Few Great Resources: Science & Technology
Here are some helpful links to science and technology-related resources for entrepreneurs.
Check out more great resources from the YLAI Network!
Best wishes,
Cameo and the YLAI Network Team
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