
YLAI for Health & Wellness - It's up to me!

YLAI for Health & Wellness - It's up to me!
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YLAI for Health & Wellness - It's up to me!
Dear José Ricardo Felipe, 
Today is the start of a new digital initiative called YLAI for Health and Wellness - It’s up to me!  We invite you to join us by officially taking a pledge for health and wellness!

We've created this pledge to let you lead by example and make a commitment in the new year to your health and wellness.
You will receive a personalized pledge badge that you can share to show your commitment.  Join us and take the pledge to commit to your health and wellness in the new year!
YLAI for Health and Wellness - It's up to me! -- Personalized badge.
How YOU can participate in the new initiative:
  • Show off the new pledge graphics on your social media accounts (you can download them here).
  • Use #YLAIForHealth or #YLAIPorLaSalud in your social media posts.
  • Write a post in the My YLAI Network Facebook group to highlight your commitment to health and wellness.
  • Share the blog post launching the digital initiative!
Healthy communities and economic prosperity go hand-in-hand. Health security is the foundation of our prosperity and the United States is committed to promoting healthy communities to ensure strong economic partnerships throughout the Western Hemisphere.
Remember: Every action you take can make a difference in your community because health and wellness is up to you!
Jenny and the YLAI Network Team
P.S. Know someone who should be part of the YLAI Network? Tell them to sign up here: ylai.state.gov/network!
You’re receiving this email as a YALI Network member who signed up, earned a YALI Network Online Course certificate, or pledged as a part of a YALI Network initiative.

Copyright © 2018. All rights reserved.

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