

Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform
GCP UPDATES  |  APRIL 15, 2019
Cloud DNS – private DNS zones: GA
You can now create custom DNS zones and records that are visible only within networks on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). This both simplifies management for network administrators and helps keep hostile agents away from your internal network information.Documentation
Network Service Tiers: GA
Optimize for performance over cost with Network Service Tiers. The Premium Tier routes traffic through Google’s global network for the highest-quality performance. For some workloads, you may prefer the Standard Tier, a lower-cost option that’s comparable in performance to other public clouds.Documentation
VPC Network Peering for custom routes: beta
You can now enable custom route exchange – static or dynamic – between peered Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) networks in GCP. One of the more prominent use cases is exchanging VPN routes to bring VPN access to peered VPC networks. Documentation
BigQuery – schedule queries in the GCP Console: beta
Schedule queries to run on a recurring basis. Use standard SQL, which can include data definition language and data manipulation language statements, and parameterize the query string and destination table to organize query results by date and time. Documentation
Cloud Dataproc – autoscaling clusters: beta
Cloud Dataproc can dynamically scale clusters to take the guesswork, monitoring, and manual intervention out of resource planning. This beta version includes a shorter scaling interval, an autoscaling dashboard, and autoscaling decision history in Stackdriver Logging.Documentation
Cloud Dataproc image 1.4: GA
The launch includes components such as Apache Spark 2.4 and Cloud Storage connector 1.9.16. Additionally, the default Python version has been updated from 2.7 to 3.6.Documentation
Cloud Dataproc – Kerberos component: beta
You can use the Kerberos component to enable Kerberos/Hadoop Secure Mode, which provides user authentication, isolation, and encryption inside a Cloud Dataproc cluster. Documentation
Cloud Dataproc – Ubuntu support: GA
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS-based 1.3 and 1.4 image versions are now supported in Cloud Dataproc clusters. Note that new clusters will be created to include any sub-minor patches that have been made to a version since its release.Documentation
Cloud Dataproc – Presto job type: beta
After installing the Presto component on a cluster, you can submit separate statements for execution or upload, and run Presto scripts using the Cloud Dataproc Jobs API.Documentation
VPC Service Controls: GA
With this release, you can now restrict access to users’ GCP resources based on their VPC network or IP address. You can also restrict the set of Google APIs and GCP resources accessible from a user’s VPC network.Documentation
Cloud Data Loss Prevention – new de-identification methods: GA
You can now de-identify strings with crypto-based tokenization. This provides wider support for input character sets while also allowing for transformations that can be reversed. Cloud DLP supports several other transformation types as well. Documentation
Cloud Identity and Access Management – service account descriptions: beta
You can now add descriptions to your service accounts to include additional information, such as the purpose of the account or a contact person for the account. Documentation
Compute Engine – enable virtual displays on instances: beta
If applications on your VM instances require a display device but don’t need the full power or cost of a GPU, you can enable your instances with a virtual display device – at no cost. This device allows you to run remote system management tools and desktop software that require a display device. Documentation
Compute Engine – two-factor authentication for OS Login: GA
If you use OS Login to manage access to your instances, you can now add an extra layer of security with two-factor authentication (2FA). After setting up OS Login 2FA, you can use audit logs to monitor your authentication sessions.Documentation
Storage Transfer Service – IAM permissions and custom roles: GA
Allow team members to manage and work on your project, and support custom identity and access management (IAM) roles, by implementing granular IAM permissions in Storage Transfer Service. Easily add roles for common IAM setups like viewers, admins, and transferring users. Documentation
BigQuery Data Transfer Service – connect third-party datasources: beta
Connect BigQuery to third-party data sources – like Salesforce CRM, Adobe Analytics, and Facebook Ads – and schedule and manage recurring load jobs for external data. You can also opt to share data with the third party, including transfer configuration and user email.Documentation
GCP plug-in for VMware vRealize Automation: GA
Get a consistent management experience across on-premises and GCP-based IT environments. This also allows your end users to predictably select and launch resources using a tool they’re already familiar with when they orchestrate VMs in an on-premises VMware environment. Documentation | Blog
Google Analytics – User Activity API: GA
Now Google Analytics property owners can retrieve all analytics measurement data associated with a single user identifier. Specifically, the API retrieves all of the measurement data associated with a particular User ID or Client ID. Documentation
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