Hi José Ricardo Felipe,
You know firsthand just how challenging it is to face an ethical dilemma in the workplace. Maybe you have witnessed bias in the hiring process or you've encountered a dishonest coworker. We know that navigating these situations can be complicated.
Now that you have had the opportunity to take the YLAI Network Online Course, Fundamentals for Responsible Leadership for Entrepreneurs, test what you have learned with the YLAI Responsible Business Quiz.
This 12-question scenario quiz is designed to help young professionals and entrepreneurs like you practice their ethical decision-making expertise. Put your skills to the test today and share your results in our Facebook group!
(And if you have already taken the quiz, we hope you will share about #YLAIforIntegrity with your friends and colleagues to start important conversations with them about our shared professional values.)
Sincerely Yours,
De'Jonnae & the YLAI Network Team
You’re receiving this email as a YLAI Network member who signed up, earned a YLAI Network Online Course certificate, or pledged as a part of a YLAI Network initiative.
Help us stay up-to-date on your latest accomplishments. Update your profile information today!
#YLAIforIntegrity #YLAI2019
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