
🌍💳💰💸💎 #GLOBAL #MONEY #WEEK 2020

YLAI Counts Website
Dear José Ricardo Felipe, 
Did you know that around the world, only 33% of adults qualify as financially literate? Financially literate is just another way to say "money-smart". Having knowledge of financial best practices is just the start. Turning that knowledge into money-smart habits is what really counts.
If you're wondering what sets the 33% of money-smart adults around the world apart, you may be surprised to learn that there's more to it than just earning a large salary or inheriting your parent's wealth. Anyone, regardless of the money you currently have, can become financially literate and money smart with a few money management best practices! Find out where you stand today—test your skills with the #YLAICounts Financial Wellness Test!
¿Sabía que solo 33% de los adultos en todo el mundo califica como alfabetizado financieramente, o mejor dicho: inteligente con dinero! Tener conocimiento de las mejores prácticas financieras es solo el comienzo. Convertir ese conocimiento en hábitos financieros responsables es lo que realmente cuenta.
¡Cualquiera, independientemente del dinero que tenga actualmente, puede obtener información financiera con las prácticas recomendadas de administración de dinero! Descubra dónde se encuentra hoy: pruebe sus habilidades con la prueba de bienestar financiero #YLAICounts.
Hasta pronto,
De'Jonnae & YLAI Network Team


TEXT: Save the date for the YLAI CountsFacebook Chat
Join YLAI Network members on March 26th and 27th for a Facebook Chat with money-management experts! You'll have an opportunity to ask finance-related questions and have them answered in real-time! Save the date and stay tuned for more details to come! 
You’re receiving this email as a YLAI Network member who signed up, earned a YLAI Network Online Course certificate, or pledged as a part of a YLAI Network initiative.
Help us stay up-to-date on your latest accomplishments. Update your profile information today!

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