

Lead by example to uphold integrity #YLAI2017

Lead by example to uphold integrity
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Dear José Ricardo Felipe, 
Thank you for being a committed member of the YLAI Network!
Test your own integrity knowledge with our FIVE integrity dilemma quizzes. Watch the videos and take the quizzes to see how much you know about modern integrity challenges!
How bending the rules for anyone hurts everyone
“People who are engaging in corruption have absolutely no principles,” said Louise Shelley at George Mason University’s School of Public Policy in Virginia. The harm also lies in the fact that a security guard who is ethically compromised could let anything go through at some point. For countries — some more than others — the security risk is especially dire. Watch the video and take the quiz
YLAI for Integrity in Politics
Vote buying obstructs the democratic process by interfering with the rights of citizens to freely decide who will represent them and their interests. Elections should create a “social contract” between candidates and constituents who voted with the presumption that the candidates will govern along the lines of their stated policy platforms. Watch the video and take the quiz
It takes integrity to play fair
“We really depend on transparency, because that can at least flag for people how the government is making decisions and how the government is spending money.” Everyone wants to have safe and functioning goods and services and to get the best value for the tax money the government collects. Watch the video and take the quiz
YLAI for Integrity in Journalism
Censorship is a problem journalists all over the world have faced for a long time. Governments, corporations and other powerful interests often put pressure on media either to keep information from becoming public or to promote their own agenda. Watch the video and take the quiz
It takes integrity to play by the rules
The public cannot have confidence or trust in law enforcement when they think the police are motivated by their own personal agendas instead of their duty to care for the community. Watch the video and take the quiz
More ways you can lead by example:
Remember: Every action you take, big or small, can make a difference in your society because integrity starts with you.
Best wishes,
Melissa and the YLAI Network Team

P.S. Know someone who should be part of the YLAI Network? Tell them to sign up here:!
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