

Make integrity part of your whole life #YLAI2017

Make integrity part of your whole life
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Hi José Ricardo Felipe, 
Discussing integrity and ethics can be difficult. Veronica Portugal Chaves, YLAI Network member and participant in the 2017 YLAI Professional Fellows Program, has taken the time to share her experience working on transparency issues in Mexico.
Young students engage in discussions about integrity. | Courtesy Photo: Veronica Portugal Chaves
Young students engage in discussions about integrity. | Courtesy Photo: Veronica Portugal Chaves
Hundreds of Network members have taken the YLAI for Integrity pledge! If you haven't already, visit our website to take your pledge to lead by example and uphold integrity in your personal and professional life.
YLAI for Integrity: Integrity starts with me!
Looking for more ways to make #YLAI For Integrity part of your life?
Remember: Every action you take, big or small, can make a difference in your society because integrity starts with you.
Best wishes,
Melissa and the YLAI Network Team

P.S. Know someone who should be part of the YLAI Network? Tell them to sign up here: !
You’re receiving this email as a YALI Network member who signed up, earned a YALI Network Online Course certificate, or pledged as a part of a YALI Network initiative.


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